I've been blown away by some of the reviews I've received for Faith In Him, which is the sequel to Trust In You and went on sale in December, so I wanted to share some with you, but first, a huge thank you to everyone who participated.
From the first chapter I got hooked into reading it. It just took me some time to process what I read. It is an interesting book and romantic. Worth reading especially if you like a man in a shiny armor, I think he did what he could give the situation and circumstances. It was also a roller coaster of emotions but worth it.
Celeste Cruz
Have just finished reading Faith In Him wow! Loved it cant wait for the third book now! Someone please buy the film rights this is so fantastic! More please!
This is the second book in the falling for you series. I have to confess I haven't read book one which is trust in you... The timeline switches between past and present ... I fell in love with the story and the characters especially Adam. I was hooked from the first page. This isn’t a typical romance novel but I think that's what gives it an edge. I am really looking forward to reading trust in you which is told from Ella’s perspective and the forthcoming third book in the series believe in me. This was a well written and structured storyline that pulled at my heartstrings from the beginning.
Omg I need the next book now! What a way to end it. Im so glad we got Adams side of the story. I usually prefer dual pov in romance stories but this series just shows how brilliant single povs are as getting one side per book has helped build the tension and suspense of the story. I really like that this wasn't just a big rehash of the previous book. We had snippets from the previous one with Adam take on events plus flashbacks from Adams past which really added to the story. This book answered alot of questions I had from the last book but added in a whole host of new ones. Im really looking forward to the next book I can't wait to see where it goes and how it's going to tie up
Jenny Hobson
So, steamy steamy and steamy! Book #2 is definitely full of testestrone and story of Adam and his strong love for Ella... There are some too cute for words moments... The crime background running in the back certainly keeps you on your toes.... The book oozes out Adam’s love and his insecurities... The narrative is fast, it’s got a very cosy vibe in the writing and you feel at home once you are familiar with characters... This book can be read as a standalone and the author is not wrong about that. It’s better it’s come out as a series because both the characters Ella and Adam always remain on a high octave and you need a breather to read the others story. Phew! The love making scenes are narrated full of lust, desire and hunger which are enjoyable to read. Definitely give it a go!...
Sukaina Majeed
After an adrenaline-pumping beginning, you soon realise that Adam is not what he seems. The story moves between the present day and Adam's recent past. His past shows why he is emotionally guarded and illudes to the secrets he hides. Adam's past threatens his future and any chance of romance with Ella. Seeing things from his point of view gives the story an immediate, intense quality which ramps up the air of menace and suspense. I enjoyed seeing the story from his viewpoint. His streetwise maturity is an interesting contrast to Ella's naivety and vulnerability. He is a strongly protective character, and this conflicts with his attraction to Ella and causes problems between them. The intrigue and suspense are well written. The slow-burn romance makes you empathise and want them to find the happiness they deserve with each other.
Jane Hunt
I've not read the first in this series so I am reading this as a standalone and I honestly don't feel like I have missed out by not reading the first. It throws you deep into drug fuelled action. I was hooked from the first page. The pages had me hooked and kept me invested in the story. It was a book I couldn't put down and I am definitely looking forward to reading more of Julia's work.
Karen Andrew
[Adam and Ella's] love story is interspersed with flashbacks to Mexico and how he started working for the FBI which brings new insight to the plot and adds depth and realism to Adam and Ella's relationship. I also loved viewing the love scenes from Adam's point of view as he is so clearly head over heels in love and wants to make the experience as mind blowing for Ella as possible. ... I give this book 🌟🌟🌟🌟. I really enjoyed this book, even more so than the first. Firstly it gave me a better understanding of where Adam is coming from and why he behaves as he does. ... Secondly it provided the additional plot of Adam being an undercover agent and the drug cartel storyline which was a great explanation for Adam's seemingly shady actions and secretive nature towards Ella while bringing a new thrilling angle to the story. The author has me hooked so bring on Book 3 – I am ready.
Kristel Greer
This book is from Adams point of view. I wasn't sure if I would enjoy this as it covers things in the first book but I soon dismissed those feelings and enjoyed it just as much as the first. We get to see his backstory. The story is as powerful as the first so be prepared for another mix of emotions. I saw him in a different light afterwards. I am looking forward to the third book in the series.
Zoe M
We get to see a little bit beyond the end of the first book, it’s nice to see that there is a little bit of hope for Ella and Adam’s relationship because they are managing to be friendly even though its obvious they both feel more for each other. I have to say I am now excited for book three because there are some revelations that are going to cause a bit of a stir and I’m sure the author will have even more surprises for these characters up her sleeve.
Kate A
Once again, thank you for taking the time at what was a busy time of year to read and review Faith In Him.
All reviews are visible in full on Goodreads.
Title: Faith In Him
Author: Julia Firlotte
The Blurb:
When loving her is dangerous, will leaving her be worse?
Adam’s deepest wounds are abandonment and betrayal. He’s spent years searching for that special someone who can fill his desolate world with love and trust. He thought he’d found her once, but instead got dragged into a dangerous criminal underworld that tore his wounds wide open and left him broken.
But like he falls in love, Adam fights back hard and fast against the darkness that surrounds him. Fidelity, bravery, and integrity become his values, and he’s sticking to them. That is until he meets Ella, the tender-hearted soul mate he’s yearned for. Now suddenly there’s more at risk than just himself.
Adam’s an all or nothing kind of guy. How far will he go to keep Ella safe? And will Ella have enough faith in him to love him anyway?
This is the second book in the Falling For You series and ends on a happy for now conclusion. It can be read as a stand alone novel, but it is recommended to read Trust In You first.
Purchase Link:
Amazon.com (USA)
Amazon.co.uk (UK)

Thank you for your time and interest.
